“We are looking for leaders and commercial geniuses who understand the projects at the owner level,” — Olena Dobrorodneva, head of UFuture Talents
Recruitment to the unique corporate program UFuture Talents has started, which allows Ukrainian talents to show their managerial skills and to upgrade on real business examples. Last year, the educational project was recognized as one of the best corporate training programs in Ukraine by Delo.ua. Among the 200 candidates were selected 26 specialists, 13 of whom were on the finish line to the ranks of the company.
More about the values and capabilities of the innovation program, and the leaders that make the Ukrainian economy better — Olena Dobrorodneva, head of UFuture Talents, said.
— Olena, the week accepting applications to UFuture Talents-2020 ends. What exactly was the impetus for the continuation of the program for the new learning cycle and what are its goals?
— As you know, UFuture is developing innovative infrastructure, manufacturing and educational projects in Ukraine. That is why our team is constantly growing and in need of new talents that are able to add a fresh look to existing businesses and create new quality commercial projects.
In the first season, we selected 26 high-profile English speaking candidates from 200 candidates who are able to work independently and in a team and have strong commercial knowledge. As a result of the program, 13 alumni have fallen into the perimeter of UFuture: both existing scalable businesses and startups. We really enjoyed this experience because we saw real results.
Our goal is to reassemble a team of specialists, to maximize their interaction and effectiveness in the team and to attract to our company. We have already created a kind of powerful community of leaders and talents, and we plan to add it to new managers who are potentially able to contribute to the development of UFuture businesses.
— What are the challenges UFuture has to offer through UFuture Talents in 2020?
— In principle, in this program we see people who are ready to work and become part of our enterprises, directors, and partners, to create new businesses in the periphery of UFuture. We do not accept people who don`t know what UFuture is. In this particular case, we prefer a community where everyone will be interesting to each other and provide full synergy.
On the one hand, we select the group according to the needs of our businesses. Marketers, financiers, business developers — a balanced set of specialists in different fields. On the other — we upgrade them with academic knowledge, develop software skills, get acquainted with businesses and find for each our own opportunities to develop as a team or create new directions.
— How is the educational program different from the existing corporate programs and what are its features in the new set?
— UFuture Talents is an analog of pre-MBA in terms of content and relevance. The only difference is that we take on a slightly younger audience of 26-35 years and, unlike the pre-MBA, part of the business cases of the program involves the development and protection of participants in the development of existing UFuture business projects — where there are real numbers, current tasks, and challenges. This is a chance to work with a lively existing business.
In 2019, six projects within the UFuture presented themselves and assigned a task to the group, which included the development of the following possible scenarios for their development and protection in May. The teams coped with the task and even further developed the concept of a seventh project — a business accelerator. And in June, they presented the Indax production accelerator at the SME Forum . Everything is happening very fast here.
We are looking for leaders and commercial geniuses who evaluate and develop owner-level projects. We strive to develop effective teams capable of creating useful projects for the business and economy of Ukraine as a whole, innovative projects and finding their niche in a competitive environment.
— What updates and opportunities does the curriculum offer in the new season?
— This year, the program envisages the receipt of applications with two stages of selection of 30 participants in the format of the application form and interview until 31 January. The training will take place from February 22 to May 25, 2020.
In the second season, the program became more expensive, but supplemented with additional hours. In this case, 70% of its total cost is covered by UFuture. We have left 84 academic hours of intensive learning from MIM teachers and supplemented them with a financial component — 40 academic hours of financial management from Deloitte Academy. UFuture’s top management additionally offers 44 semester hours of intensive study. We are inspired by this year’s consortium with partners — we strive to improve the program, diversify teaching styles and new practical tasks.
The UFuture Talents program provides training in the form of three days of lectures from MIM and Deloitte Business School on weekdays, and a full Saturday of intensive training from UFuture’s top management at UNIT.City.
After the theoretical part, the team develops projects for the development of existing businesses, and in the finals, participants have a chance to get a job offer from UFuture and join the team of one of the areas.
You can apply and get detailed information about the training program for top managers on the site UFuture Talents.