“If a company wants to be effective, it must take into account different opinions,” Constantine Yevtushenko, Managing partner of UNIT.City

Constantine Yevtushenko, managing partner UNIT.City

Gender equality as an integral element of a democratic society and a guarantee of sustainable development of the state is the IV Ukrainian Women’s Congress’s main idea. One of the panel discussions focused on the gender sensitivity of business: how modern business owners form teams; why some corporations conduct “blind” interviews; what determines the number of women in management positions in the world.

During the event, Constantine Yevtushenko spoke about Gender Diversity and its manifestation in UNIT.City:

  • After travelling to Asia, Europe and the United States to find experience and principles for building an innovation park in Ukraine, we drew several conclusions. One of them is the obligatory pluralism of opinions. This concept includes a constant lively discussion, which involves employees of all ages, genders and qualifications. A company that takes different views into account has a better chance of success.
  • Women are more concerned about stability in both the family and the company. They need to keep what they have now. And this is an essential skill for the business.
  • UNIT.City has 12 areas, seven of which are headed by women. Also, 60% of the company are employees. However, among the 120 offices represented in the park, it is rare to find a woman running a business. It may be because something makes women stop there. Therefore, we must support career growth at the level of motivation and education.
  • Most of it is occupied by the educational cluster in the park, where there are programs, both business and IT. However, only 10% of UNIT School of Business students are women. 20% undergo coding training. It suggests that in a world where a startup is always a high risk, women have a specific defence mechanism. There are few examples of women we see among managers and founders of enterprises or speakers at thematic forums. And we have to support and add confidence in women’s success, regardless of gender.