The future is unevenly distributed. For example, cryptocurrencies and finance are transforming very fast, while in real estate they have been talking about the same trends for 20 years. Scientists received the Nobel Prize 10 years ago for the discovery of graphene, and the superconductivity effect in it is still achieved.
“The future does not come one moment. It is gradually stepping into our lives,” said Advanter Group CEO and futurist Andrii Dligach.
Constantine Yevtushenko, managing partner of the UNIT.City innovation park, which is developed by the UFuture holding, spoke with the expert as part of a joint project with Vector.
One of the key trends today is personalization.
Personalization means that the manufacturer adapts to the tastes of the consumer, and the castomer chooses some of the available goods. Hyper-personalization means that the customer can influence the characteristics of the product.
"This table does not suit you, you are too tall. You need a table that will be set up for you. These are the so-called 4D technologies. Personalized products are already made in China. There is a company in Ukraine, Eva, which produces personalized cosmetics,” explained the expert to Constantine.
The “rich” definition as something measured in money will disappear approximately in 2030-2035. Even now, wealth is not a resource. You can be rich thanks to bitcoins, likes, pictures you draw, or books you read. Some people think that bitcoin can be converted into dollars and thus you calculate their wealth. But imagine that there will be no bitcoins tomorrow – everyone has lost their wallets. Who will be rich then?
Virtual feelings
“Man is a herd animal, we need communication. Offline is still better for working together, generating ideas and sex just because we are used to this model. I'm sure time will pass, and in metaworld games we will feel the same emotion as in the real world. Later we will be able to hug and have sex at a distance. Gradually, all the feelings we are used to will leave the offline,” Dligach noted.
When the new economy comes
We are somewhere in the middle. There is no stable future – we shape it. The transition phase began in 2015-2016. It will last about ten years.
The main thing is education
Andrii Dligach’s main advice for preparing for the future is high-quality education. People need to be economically and financially literate. It is necessary to constantly maintain the level of knowledge through mentoring, educational courses. Training should be specific. In the future, there will be no universities awarding bachelor’s degrees. They will become an intellectual, HR and producer center for the student for his future career.
Read the full version of Constantine Yevtushenko’s conversation with Andrii Dligach about the future at the link.