Vasyl Khmelnytsky, UFuture

“You shouldn’t wait for better times — they will never come,” Vasyl Khmelnytsky, founder of UFuture

A person who sets a goal to achieve success — the need to constantly learn should become a habit. The founder of the holding company UFuture Vasyl Khmelnytsky, having analyzed his experience, gives young entrepreneurs the advice that he gave himself at the beginning of his own business path.

  • Improve constantly. The current situation is a marathon for all inhabitants of the planet. Its impossible to stop if you do not want to leave the race.
  • Invest in education. Learn new things yourself and introduce your employees to it.
  • Consider the risks, but act. Don’t wait for better times — they will never come. The modern world is only replenished with challenges. This must be accepted and constantly transformed.

Read more on what helps to effectively adapt to new conditions and how to strengthen your entrepreneurial skills, in Vasyl Khmelnytsky’s column for MC.Today.
