Vasyl Khmelnytsky, UFuture

“The world will definitely change after the crisis — thanks to it and despite it,” Vasyl Khmelnytsky, founder of UFuture

The modern world is changing at the speed of light and the coronavirus pandemic is just one of the catalysts for such changes, but far from decisive, said Vasyl Khmelnytsky, the founder of the UFuture holding company. The businessman shared his thoughts on what business and the Ukrainian economy will look like in the post-quarantine period in the podcast “Ukraine after quarantine” for the publication Ukrayinska Pravda.

Some insights from Vasyl Khmelnytsky:

  • the future of innovation, ecosystems, talented people. And here we are lucky: there are a lot of the latter in Ukraine. Our task is to create conditions for them under which they will find many opportunities for development and will remain in their homeland;
  • cafes and restaurants alone are not able to lift the country and make it economically independent. This becomes a reality when there are manufacturing enterprises where workers receive wages and then spend these funds on consumption;
  • people will get out of the fear of the coronavirus and will travel more. The trend of the last 20 years — the middle class is becoming more and its representatives are more likely to rest;
  • young people want to be cosmopolitans: people all over the planet. In the future, it will be more common to rent smaller housing.

Listen to more about what business will be like in the new reality in a podcast by UFuture holding company founder Vasyl Khmelnytsky on Ukrayinska Pravda.
