Some 11,000 passengers in one day – a new record for the capital’s airport

Some 11, 000 passengers in one day – a new record for the capital’s airport!

So, it’s high time to summarize how many passengers and planes arrived at Kyiv International Airport during the Champions League final 2018.

During holding the UEFA Champions League finals in Kyiv from May 25 till May 26, Kyiv Airport had served 412 business aviation flights, 148 regular flights and 56 charter flights.

A total of 29,000 passengers had been served in three days.

However, May 26, 2018 became the day of a new record for Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport – for the first time in its history, the airport accepted almost 11,000 passengers!

Kyiv Airport also accepted a Boeing 737-406 aircraft with FC Liverpool players, who played against FC Real Madrid in the Champions League final match.
