UFuture team

“Partnership is a story of new experience,” Vasyl Khmelnytsky, founder of UFuture

A business partnership is a serious challenge that requires participation in decision-making and the ability to communicate properly. According to the founder of the holding company UFuture Vasyl Khmelnytsky, it is the main driver for the growth of any company.

In his column for MC.Today, he explains the main advantages of making a business a partner and shares the most common mistakes of Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

  • Any partnership is, first of all, an experience. And then there’s money, connections and resources.
  • The main problem of Ukrainian entrepreneurship is the biased assessment of their own business and its potential. Instead of growing through the knowledge, experience and money of a partner, most entrepreneurs hold on to their share in the company.
  • When deciding to collaborate, it is important to make sure that the partner has their own resources, ideas, experience and a strong team.
  • When choosing a partner, you should pay attention to whether a person is passionate about his own business, whether he is honest, and whether there is a prospect in the relevant market.

Read more about how you can become a partner of Vasyl Khmelnytsky and how his companies work in the article for MC.Today.
