Kyiv Sikorsky Airport to start a large-scale reconstruction 2021-2025

Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport, whose majority shareholder is the holding company UFuture, to carry out a large-scale reconstruction in 2021-2025 with a three-quarter closure of the airport in 2023.
On April 8, 2021, the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine agreed on the tasks for the development of the design to cost of the facility. Now consultations are being held with design organizations regarding the timing and cost of work.
The reconstruction of the airport will include:
- upgrading of the airfield category, which will make it possible to receive aircraft in more difficult weather conditions;
- extension of the runway by 500 meters;
- construction and modernization of new taxiways, aprons, and lighting equipment in order to increase their strength.
The reconstruction will be carried out in several stages.
“According to our calculations, this year the design will be completed, in 2022 the taxiways will be equipped without stopping flights, and in 2023 the operation of the airport will be suspended for 8-9 months in order to build a new runway. We need to completely dismantle the existing runaway, replace the soil and only then construct a new, elongated landing strip,” says Denis Kostrzhevsky, Head of the Board of Directors of Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport.
According to the early estimates, the runway of the airport will be extended by 500 meters. During the reconstruction, it is also planned to upgrade the airfield category, which will allow it to receive aircraft in more difficult weather conditions. This will make the flights more safe.