Andriy Komarovsky, CEO Sector X

How to be successful in the US market: lifehacks from CEO of Sector X Andriy Komarovsky

The most common motivation for a startup to move to the United States is related to the hope that a young, cheap and high-quality product will be able to “break” the overseas market. But these hopes are often reminiscent of “pink” locks, said CEO of the acceleration hub Sector X Andriy Komarovsky.

The top manager is convinced that in order to perfectly understand potential investors and have their trust, you need to be close to them — because no one wants to invest in a product whose founders are on the opposite side of the hemisphere. But to sell in the US, you need to deeply understand the local audience, its “cultural code” and trends — it would be a mistake to explain the knowledge of the domestic market to another country and, based on this knowledge, try to make money.

Read more about how to win the trust of American investors in the column of the CEO of the acceleration hub Sector X Andriy Komarovsky for AIN.UA.
