Dominique Piotet: “It’s time to reveal Ukraine’s secret to the world”
In recent years, the IT-industry has been actively developing in Ukraine and creating a full-scale ecosystem. Innovation Park UNIT.City is actively involved in expanding the country’s potential and innovation capabilities around the world.
“It’s not a bad thing to fail when trying to create something new, because successful projects aren’t implemented in a minute. We need to communicate to people that failure is an integral part of the journey, and we must try again and again until the company reaches the international level. There are a lot of talented people in Ukraine, so we need to let them know that they also have the opportunity to create their own businesses through knowledge, ecosystems, and access to funds,” Dominique Piotet, CEO of UNIT.City, said.
Read more about what domestic companies need to become successful, and under what conditions Ukrainian startups can reach the international level and how innovative UNIT.City projects work, in an interview with Dominique Piotet for The Page: “Ukraine is the world’s biggest secret.” CEO of UNIT.City about the prospects for IT-industry development in the country”